Hedge Your Stock Portfolio - "44" Series Hedge - 4-4-4

I recommend checking out the 4-4-1 and 4-4-2 videos/blogs as prerequisites to this video/blog. Hedge a long portfolio with four put debit spreads in SPY financed by two short puts in /MES with two extra short puts. Take off all 4 naked puts at 50% profit and leave debit spreads for free. On a down move, the four debit spreads help hedge your portfolio. If short puts are left on, risk is getting long the equivalent to 200 shares of SPY (4 long /MES contracts). Short puts can be alternatively managed by rolling out in time, and possibly to a lower strike, for a credit.

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Superbull (Risk Reversal/Seagull) Options Trade


Hedge Your Stock Portfolio - "44" Series Hedge - 4-4-2